Description of first aid measures · After inhalation: Supply fresh air; consult doctor in case of complaints. · After skin contact: Immediately wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly. If skin irritation continues, consult a doctor. · After eye contact: Remove contact lenses if worn. Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. · After swallowing: Rinse out mouth and then drink plenty of water. Do not induce vomiting; immediately call for medical help. · Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: Causes eye irritation. Causes mild skin irritation. Gastric or intestinal disorders when ingested. · Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: No relevant information available.这种环保型切削液完全可生物降解,可应用于任何和所有切削操作和金属。Tap Magic ProTap不会妨碍您使用任何操作或金属。 应用 用于钻孔,攻丝,铣削 - 在您的环境中需要可生物降解的切削液时,对任何金属进行任何切削。 专业 高**的质量。 **的性能。 生物降解 我们的原始生物降解 丝锥切削液,魔术 提供优良的protap 所有的切割性能 全金属的在线业务。 高度有效的硬 金属,如不锈钢。 将不染色或变化 软金属变形特性研究 如铝。 快速和dissipates热 为加强代谢。 一种**精细整理和收益率 promotes更长的刀具寿命。 Tap Magic PROTAP is the top choice of professionals who require a cutting fluid that’s totally biodegradable and free of all regulated chemicals. Available in 4-ounce and 16-ounce spout-top, 12-ounce aerosol, 1-gallon, 5-gallon, 30-gallon, and 55-gallon sizes.